Student Handbook » Behavioral Expectations

Behavioral Expectations



I - we respect

At Milford Middle School two major principles guide the making and enforcing of school rules.  First, every student has the right to be safe and secure in his / her person  and  property.   This  means  that  no student may physically or verbally violate the safety and security of another.


Second, no student has the right to disrupt the educational process of others. Included are classroom disruptions and disturbances that hamper the efforts of other students to learn.  All expectations for student behavior are written with these two guidelines in mind. 


School rules and expectations are expected to be followed at school sponsored events as well.






Expectations for behavior in the classroom are established by each teacher in accordance and consistent with the developmental levels of the children, as well as in conjunction with the policy of the Milford School District and the Middle School.  Overall, behavioral expectations are the same, but some individual differences do occur.  Students should expect and respect these variations.






The only safe way to pass through the corridors is to walk.  You must also keep in mind that there are classes going on and that noise in the halls disrupts them.  Unless classes are changing, passes are required to go anywhere else in the building.  Students are not allowed to carry backpacks in the halls between classes.  Both of these items shall be enforced by classroom teachers.  All teachers are given sheets of passes in their folders in August and should be using these passes during the school year.  The lockers are large enough to hold most backpacks. Teachers monitoring the corridors are responsible for enforcing this policy and reminding students that they should not carry backpacks.  Students are also not allowed to use the elevator unless there are medical reasons and they have been given a pass by the nurse.






The cafeteria is a place provided for you to eat breakfast and lunch with your friends.  You are responsible for keeping the area neat and clean.  No glass containers should be brought to school.  Inappropriate or disruptive behavior may result in disciplinary action.  Menus can be accessed through the middle school website, and are also sent out through parent email notices each month. Paper copies are available in the main office. 


Student food and drinks may not be taken from the cafeteria during lunch times.  Students may enter the building with their breakfast or they may purchase breakfast from the cafeteria.  Breakfast may be taken to homeroom, but must be completely finished by the end of the homeroom / advisory period.  Open drinks may not be placed in lockers after homeroom / Advisory period. 


During the day, students are encouraged to bring in and use reusable water bottles.  Each wing has a water bottle filling station for students to use.  Energy drinks, coffee products and other caffeine based products are discouraged for students. 





field trips

Field trips are an enrichment of the classroom curriculum.  Students who continually engage in disruptive or serious behavior may be in jeopardy of losing the privilege of attending school related off campus activities.  Students who attend these activities are expected to be positive representatives of our school in the community. 





boy on detention

Students being assigned a teacher detention are required to report to the assigned room and at the prescribed time.

Students are given a 24 hour advance notice in order to make arrangements for transportation home.  Students are responsible for providing their own transportation.


If a parent and teacher agree that a student can serve a detention the same day of the incident, then the detention can be served without the 24 hour notice.


Teacher Detentions:  Classroom behaviors which may result in teacher detention(s) after school  include, but are not limited to the following:

  1. Inappropriate or disruptive classroom behavior
  2. Not being prepared for class
  3. Arguing / talking back to an adult
  4. Horseplay in the classroom
  5. Disrespect / profanity towards others
  6. Failure to follow directions
  7. Cheating on tests / assignments
  8. Late to class
  9. Skipping teacher detentions
  10. Teasing behaviors / name calling (not bullying)
  11. Throwing any unsafe items outside or in the classroom
  12. Unsafe behaviors in the hallway (pushing, shoving, running)
  13. General violation of school rules


Office Detentions:  Office detentions may be given for chronic classroom behaviors, cafeteria behavior, serious misbehaviors, or behaviors which violate school rules. Continual violations may result in suspensions. Office Detentions will be held after school.  A skipped detention may result in further disciplinary action.



be respectful

The following is a list of misbehaviors that are considered serious and have no place at the Milford Middle School.  These misbehaviors are cause for office detentions and/or suspension from school and may involve law enforcement officials.  Serious misbehaviors include but are not limited to the following:

  1. Use or possession of drugs, alcohol, tobacco or inhalants or other such illegal items.
  2. Vandalism / grafitti
  3. Throwing objects that could result in injury (rocks, snowballs, ice, pencils / pens, etc…)
  4. Stealing
  5. Forgery on school documents
  6. Fighting / Intentional behaviors which result in injury
  7. Carrying any kind of weapon or ammunition or pepper spray/mace products.  Knives of any kind are considered a weapon – EXAMPLES:  Box cutter, exacto knife, pocket knife, etc…
  8. Skipping classes or Office detentions
  9. Truancy / Chronic tardies
  10. Intimidating others, tampering with witnesses and/or interfering with an investigation
  11. Profanity directed toward a staff member / adult
  12. Failure to comply with a reasonable request or direction / Insubordination
  13. Firecrackers/fireworks/smokebombs
  14. Continued classroom disruption
  15. Misuse of a pass / leaving class without permission
  16. Repeatedly or intentionally failing to obey school rules
  17. Bomb threats or false alarms
  18. Harassment/Bullying/Hazing
  19. Criminal Threatening / Threats of any kind
  20. Misuse of the internet or any school-based   technology
  21. Leaving school property without permission
  22. When in the judgment of the administration the safety and well-being of students may be jeopardized.




The first time a class is skipped, the student will serve an office detention.  Starting with the second time that a class is skipped, the student will receive an in-school suspension. Leaving school property without permission will result in suspension. Further infractions may result in an out-of-school suspension.




  aerosol sprayno

Students should only bring to school those items necessary to the educational process.  Lighters, laser pointers, toys, squirt guns, and glass containers are not allowed in school.  Cameras, cell phones, ipods, mp3 players, electronic games and other electronic noise-making devices may not be used within the building.  These devices and any other items that interfere with the classroom learning environment will be confiscated by the teacher and turned over to the office. 


Although students are permitted to have cell phones in their possession, cell phones must be silenced while school is in session.  Cell phones should be silenced when the morning bell rings at 7:30AM and remain silent until the dismissal bell rings at 2:10PM. If a cell phone becomes a distraction or a disruption in class, then the phone will be confiscated and held in the main office. 


  • 1st Offense: The student may get their phone back at the end of the school day.
  • 2nd Offense: The student may get their phone back at the end of the school day and a phone call will be made to the parent/guardian.
  • 3rd Offense: The cell phone will not be released back to the student. A parent/guardian must come to the school and retrieve the cell phone. The student will no longer have cell phone privileges at school


Continued disregard for the school procedure regarding cell phones may result in a disciplinary action. Furthermore, any gross misconduct regarding the use of cell phones may result in a disciplinary action. The school is not responsible for lost, stolen, or damaged cell phones.


Aerosols of any kind, including hair spray, cologne, cosmetics, etc., which may cause an allergic reaction to others, as well as any items which produce fumes are prohibited at school. These items will be confiscated and may result in disciplinary action. 




It is the policy of the School Board that the Administration make every effort to identify the person or persons responsible for damage to school property and to require restitution for costs incurred by the District to repair/replace said property.  Law enforcement will also be notified.





  think, act, be safe no weapons

The District has a policy which prevents any type of weapon or unsafe item from being brought to and from school on buses or brought on to school property.


Any person possessing an item which can be considered a weapon shall be brought immediately to the principal.  The weapon shall be confiscated and the police and parent/guardian immediately notified.   (See Weapons on School Property Policy 5008 for more information.) 


Under the Safe School Zones statute, a student may be suspended or expelled for acts of theft, destruction or violence occurring on school property, bus stops and bus routes.   Drugs and alcohol are also not permitted on school property.  (See Drug Free School Zone Policy 4060 for additional information.)





Students can be suspended for serious misbehaviors and / or a pattern of frequent behaviors.  A student can receive an in-school or out-of-school suspension depending on the offense.   All attempts will be made to notify parents by phone when a suspension will occur.  School work will be collected from all teachers and students are required to complete all work during the suspension.  If work is not completed by the end of the suspension, the student will remain in suspension until it is completed.  (See Suspension and Expulsion Policy 5005 for additional information.)




The Milford School District seeks to create and provide an educational environment which promotes an atmosphere of mutual respect.  Such an environment must be free of all forms of harassment.


Harassment of any employee or student, by any other employee or student, or by any other person with whom an employee or student may interact to fulfill employment of school responsibilities, is prohibited by State and Federal law and will not be tolerated by the Milford School District.  See Sexual Harrassment Policy 2403 for additional information.







The playground is provided for students to use at recess.  All outside activities are expected to be safe and friendly.  Organized games are encouraged.  Visiting with friends, or simply relaxing by yourself are activities that are safe and enjoyable.  Rough play, pushing, and wrestling leads to fights, ruined clothing and injuries and are unacceptable activities. Baseballs, tackle football, throwing stones, sticks, ice or snow, and riding skateboards or rollerblades are prohibited for safety reasons. The specific area for your use will be pointed out to you by the teacher on duty and you must remain in that area. 


The main office will determine if recess is indoors if the weather in inclement or if the temperature falls below 20 degrees Fahrenheit. This includes wind chill being factored into the temperature.  The school uses the weather station situated on top of the middle school as our temperature guide






All school sanctioned dances are under adult supervision and held from 6:30 to 8:00 p.m. for seventh and eighth grade students.  An administrator is present during the dances.  Once a student arrives at the dance, he / she will not be permitted to leave early unless a parent is contacted or previous arrangements have been made to be picked up.  All school rules apply during dances, specifically dress and behavioral rules.  Students are not to attend after school activities if they were absent or suspended during the same day of the activity.  Students removed from a dance will not be allowed to attend future dances during the school year. Only students currently enrolled in MMS will be admitted to dances held at the school.  Additionally, homeschool students/private school students who are residents of Milford may also attend. They should call the main office for more information.





                                                                        art clubrecyclingtheaterstudent council


As part of the total education program, Milford Middle School offers a number of after-school activities.  Each program encourages the development of the qualities of cooperation, interdependence, confidence, and pride in Milford Middle School.


Opportunities and special events, such as clubs and programs, will be offered to students throughout the school year.   Afterschool activities include groups, such as Drama, Student Council, Math Team, Art Club and Ski Program.  Students participating in clubs or events offered through the school are expected to follow school rules and behavioral guidelines. The behavioral expectations of the regular school day are the same for after-school functions.  Attendance is always considered a privilege.  Students are expected to respect the beginning and ending times of all after school activities.  Students may not attend after school/extra curricular activities if absent or suspended on the day of the event.


Since the school schedule is considered when planning afterschool events, all students participating in these events will be expected to remain in school for the full day. Early dismissals from school for these events will be unexcused.