Student Handbook » MMS Student Handbook

MMS Student Handbook

William Demers



Colleen M. Hackett                                        Ian Atwell

          Assistant Principal                               Curriculum Coordinator



     Melanie Cali                                          Wendy Vaupel

           School Counselor                                     School Counselor 

            Last names A-K                                          Last names L-Z



33 Osgood Road

Milford, NH 03055


Telephone:  (603) 673-5221



MMS Building




Milford Middle School provides a safe learning environment that nurtures the mind, body, and spirit of every student. Respect for self, others and property is promoted as students are guided toward their fullest potential in academics and in citizenship.  This is best accomplished through the cooperative effort of students, teachers, families, and the community.


This assignment handbook is a valuable source of information.  It contains the policies and procedures necessary for the successful operation of the school.  The assignment pages are provided so that students can become better organized and provide for communication between home and school.





The Middle School stresses two key words which we all strive to adhere to... RESPECT and RESPONSIBILITY.  Respect for yourself and respect for others is an important life skill we must all acquire and practice.  Another is responsibility for all our words and actions.  When everyone in the school community exhibits these two actions, we can all enjoy the educational and social experience Milford Middle School has to offer.